So, I checked out the nooma DVD breathe last night. It was pretty amazing and insightful. Rob talked about how the Hebrew word for spirit and the Hebrew word for breathe are the same and how the name of God in Hebrew was thought by some rabbis to actually be the sound of breathing.
He talked specifically about the story of Moses and his encounter with God in the burning bush, which reminded me of the story of Jacob where he encounters God while sleeping and wrestles with Him. In both cases, there are references to the ground being holy where they had their encounter with God. Rob wonders and I wonder also if this ground became holy because of God's encounter there with each of them or whether the ground was already holy. I mean, doesn't God ultimately dwell among all of His creation?
This thinking about breathing and spirit also includes the story of creation when God forms Adam from the dust and "breathes into his nostrils the breath of life." When we are born into this world, we must take that first breathe to live and we breathe it in, receiving it. Jesus told His followers before he died and rose again that He would send the Spirit to be with His followers. He then, after the resurrection, breathes on his followers and says, "receive the Holy Spirit." The breath of life, the breath of new life...
I encourage you to wrestle with this, ponder this and while you are, read Ezekiel 37 and see how it relates...
And check out the nooma website at http://www.nooma.com/
and the journey continues...
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