Monday, July 30, 2007

blood diamond...

I watched Blood Diamond last night. It was an excellent movie, although my recommendation comes with a heavy warning. The movie is filled with harsh language and violence. However, I think through that is communicated an amazing story of a family caught in the middle of the diamond war in Africa.

What was so disturbing and moving to me was the depiction of Africa itself in the midst of the turmoil of civil war and senseless killing of innocent people. I was so convicted last night after watching the film that I began praying for the people of Africa; not just those who live on the west coast where this film was set, but for those in Darfur and other areas that are experiencing similar situations.

I realize that this was simply a movie, but the most shocking aspect of it for me was watching families disrupted and ripped apart for greed and violence. Watching young boys being kidnapped and forced into rebel armies where they are strapped with machine guns and forced to kill innocent people just tore my heart out. Although this was just a movie, I hear more and more of these truths as I push beneath the surface of the media's lead stories.

The most memorable quote for me was by a female American journalist in the film that is so distraught by the situation and America's lack of response says, "you might find a minute long story about this on CNN between sports and the weather." I feel as though we must do more to make our voice heard about this genocide and senseless violence so that it will be tolerated no more. But how do you bring peace to a situation where there is no value for human life? Jesus Christ is the only way that I know...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

the elders...

I was surfing the internet tonight and stumbled across a link to this site. This is an amazingly powerful concept and an excellent group that has been formed. I am still learning more about it, but so far, I really like what I have read...

it's gone...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Should it stay?

or should it go?

I thought I'd lighten up the blog a bit with this post. Please vote to the right on whether or not you think I should keep the gotee.

the options are shown above...

My lovely wife's vote counts twice...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

God HAS blessed America...

We watched the Nooma DVD Rich a few weeks ago at The Village and tonight I really had an experience that reminded me of that teaching. My doorbell rang and when I opened the door, two young men asked if I was interested in supporting an initiative (to quote their website) "assuring supplies of clean, safe and affordable water for all Americans, now and for the future." I supported them and signed their paper to show our local politicians that we the people feel strongly about this.

After they left, I was strongly convicted. How blessed are we in America that we can develop grassroots organizations that speak for the ordinary people so our concerns reach the ears of those in charge? Very blessed. I then thought of those in other countries who do not have any access to clean drinking water and whose voices are never heard. As important as it is to participate in our democratic system in America to bring reform here, we must also consider our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world who have no voice. We must be their voice. Because as much as God has blessed America, I believe He wants us to share those blessings with others. Let's give power to those whose voices fall on deaf ears. Let's give strength to those who do not have the energy to form the words. Let's spread the love and continue to build the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Anderson Cooper: What is a Christian? Part One

I checked out the footage of Anderson Cooper's CNN broadcast special with the above title the past few nights. It's a pretty interesting and scary (sometimes) look inside churches.

It's broken up into eight parts I think. My personal favorite is when Anderson says in response to the question 'what would Jesus drive?' "the big ol' honkin' Bentley." I tell you Joel Osteen scares me to death.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Christmas in July...

It's hard to think about Christmas this time of year, especially after the temperatures we had today, but I was browsing Rick McKinley's blog site and found this link.

I am really excited about the possibility of joining in with this at The Village and encouraging others to come aboard. I have been struggling over the past few years with the consumerism of Christmas especially since my daughter has begun to associate love with people buying her things. I think this is a great opportunity for us to focus on the meaning of Christmas by remembering how Jesus came to us and lived out His ministry on earth. This is a great opportunity for us to be missional walkers instead of just talkers.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


The past week was one of the most relaxing vacations I can remember. I really focused a lot on appreciating God's Creation (ocean waves crashing, sunsets - never got up early enough for the sunrises). I have really found the value in periodically taking some time to reflect on the blessings that God gives us and our relationship with Him. I also reflected on my appreciation for my family. I certainly have been blessed. I continue to wrestle with how to use these wonderful blessings to bless others so they do not terminate on me. Here is a stream of consciousness list of things I am thankful for at the moment...good food, fruit of the vine (fermented), my daughter, my wife, life, friends, family, health, rest, Jesus...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

i've already got plans nov. 26th...

For those of you who check out J.R.'s blog regularly, you've probably already seen this, but for those who haven't, Rob Bell is doing another speaking tour and I plan to can get pre-order tickets on the website and the proceeds go to the microfinance project that Mars Hill is financing...

Sunday, July 1, 2007