I was surfing the internet tonight and stumbled across a link to this site. This is an amazingly powerful concept and an excellent group that has been formed. I am still learning more about it, but so far, I really like what I have read...
This is very powerful. I think what struck me the most is the following: it's not the militarily powerful nor the economically prosperous, but those who choose humanity and love above all. How awesome is it that God has shared with us compassion and the will to love others with relentless passion. It gives me goosebumps...
1 comment:
This is very powerful. I think what struck me the most is the following: it's not the militarily powerful nor the economically prosperous, but those who choose humanity and love above all. How awesome is it that God has shared with us compassion and the will to love others with relentless passion. It gives me goosebumps...
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