We watched the Nooma DVD Rich a few weeks ago at The Village and tonight I really had an experience that reminded me of that teaching. My doorbell rang and when I opened the door, two young men asked if I was interested in supporting an initiative (to quote their website) "assuring supplies of clean, safe and affordable water for all Americans, now and for the future." I supported them and signed their paper to show our local politicians that we the people feel strongly about this. http://www.cleanwateraction.org/
After they left, I was strongly convicted. How blessed are we in America that we can develop grassroots organizations that speak for the ordinary people so our concerns reach the ears of those in charge? Very blessed. I then thought of those in other countries who do not have any access to clean drinking water and whose voices are never heard. As important as it is to participate in our democratic system in America to bring reform here, we must also consider our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world who have no voice. We must be their voice. Because as much as God has blessed America, I believe He wants us to share those blessings with others. Let's give power to those whose voices fall on deaf ears. Let's give strength to those who do not have the energy to form the words. Let's spread the love and continue to build the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
1 comment:
I just posted a video on my blog that goes along with this post.
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