Monday, January 28, 2008

Hotel Rwanda clip

I watched Hotel Rwanda last night and this scene has stuck with me. Joaquin Phoenix's character's comment cut me to the core and I've been struggling with it ever since. I hate that I have been so desensitized to atrocities such as this. The scariest part is that strangely similar events continue to take place in Africa from Sudan to Darfur to Kenya to the Congo. Africa has been on my heart for sometime through books I have read, movies I have seen and the project I am working on.

My heart goes out to the people of Africa and I continue to pray for peace. This is one spiritual thing that I can do. I struggle with the question of what I can do physically.

In reading a book recently, The Way of a Worshiper, a phrase by the author, Buddy Owens, jumped out at me: "and it is through your body that God reaches out to the world around you."

I pray that God uses me to reach out to the people of Africa who weigh heavy on my heart.

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