Wednesday, May 2, 2007

travel, Sex God and work...

So, I'm here in San Antonio...what a beautiful city. The riverwalk is amazing. The pic above is our hotel.

So I was in airports and planes most of the day yesterday and I finally got to dive into Rob Bell's book Sex God.

Once again, Rob delivers with his amazing way to make you rethink everything you ever thought you knew, stretch those boundaries and feel like you are learning everything new for the first time. I got through the first three chapters and as most of you have probably read the first chapter, the next two certainly don't disappoint.

Don't worry, I won't give anything away, but Rob redefines the word sex based on the Latin root and you will never look at, use or think of the word the same way after reading this. One of Rob's best abilities is to find the spiritual in everything and the connections he makes are astounding. Just like in Velvet Elvis, he intertwines scripture to back up his statements and personal stories to drive home the point. If I had to summarize the book so far with one word, it would be "connection". I can't wait until Monday (my next travel day) to finish it off...

And now back to work...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am really looking forward to getting to Sex God. May take me 10 years with the amount of time that I am getting to spend reading these days.

One of the best parts of my day today was sitting in the sun reading Velvet Elvis while the kids played in the sand box... that ended abruptly when Aaron started eating the sand.